Royal London Homœopathic Hospital Great Ormond St
Nothing great here, but like many buildings which have been added to over a period of time, there are a variety of different names and materials to see. Terracotta lettering set into the brickwork facing the childrens’ hospital (main picture); glazed terracotta panel on the corner with Queen Square; and cut-out steel lettering on the balcony above.
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A variety of names, styles and materials
Cut out steel lettering
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Glazed terracotta panel on the corner with Queen Square, recently painted for some reason.
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Cut-out square-section timber letters, note the repair to ROYAL. This façade is now being refurbished, I'm not sure whether these will survive.
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Square section carved lettering on the adjacent Great Ormond Street Childrens’ Hospital.
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Until 2001 there was also some cut-out steel lettering on the façade of the nurses’ halls of residence on Great Ormond Street.