British Library
St Pancras station
King’s Cross Station
319—321 Gray’s Inn Road
Road traffic signs
Cent. London T&E Hosp.
Royal Free Hospital
Parsons’ Library
R L Homœopathic Hospital
British Monomarks
Faraday House
Central Saint Martins
Pharmaceutical Soc.
British Museum
Dairy Supply Co.
Smith’s umbrellas
Lavers & Barraud
Underground station
27–29 Long Acre
Street names
The Coliseum
Pedestrian signage
St Martin’s Schools
St Martin’s/Fields
Sainsbury Wing
Further reading
Image bibliography
Exploiting context

St Martin’s-in-the-Fields St Martin’s Place

This church was built between 1721–6 to the designs of James Gibbs. Lettering is carved across the pediment and dated 1722. This is lettering on its way somewhere. It does not follow the roman model, either in weight or in proportion, but it has not developed like the example at St Martin’s Schools into the English letter.

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Inconsistent forms
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All stills for St Martin’s-in-the-Fields

Inconsistent forms

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Nearly every letter is awkward: E with a stubby crossbar; X top-heavy; T too wide; R tail too thin; U with a flat bottom.

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In the centre, below the main inscription is the name of the architect James Gibbs.

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The lettering is inconsistent and poorly spaced.

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The lettering is inconsistent and poorly spaced.

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The lettering is inconsistent and poorly spaced.

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The lettering is inconsistent and poorly spaced.

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The lettering is inconsistent and poorly spaced.